Thursday, May 7, 2009

It takes work......

I hate more than anything when people ignore me. It happens a lot in my house. The kids keep jumping on the couch. My husband doesn't help with the kids. And the list goes on. I just tried to get my dh to watch Dr. Phil with me and he shot it down before I could even explain what it was about. Those who know me well know my deep dark secret. My husband, we're going to call him K, has struggled with addiction for most of his life. He has been through many different addictions from drugs to gambling and a few stops in between. K's worst addiction has been with the drug, methamphetamine. He has used off and on for the last 8 years I have known him. He just can not seem to kick it. He will stay clean for a while but he always ends up going back. We have separated several times, but I always end up going back......hence my addiction. We have 4 kids, and I love him. Despite everything he has done and everything we have had to endure I love him. And I believe in him. He has been clean for a while now, but is really struggling. The Dr. Phil I was was wanting him to watch was on addiction, and they talked about how addiction is a chronic disease, and thus it needs to be treated as one. When my dh is not getting his way he stomps around like a child. I just want him to see that he can not will power his way through this. It's really frustrating living with him sometimes. But I have faith and I know God will bring us through this.

1 comment:

  1. hey girly! Haven't talked to you in a long me this week!! I need to come by and see the house!! XOXO
